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Christians, Racism and Riots

Christians, Racism and Riots

[Firstly I just want to say that I hear the black people’s cries, recognize and acknowledge the pain, suffering, abuse and their history that they have had to endure. It hasn’t been right and no one should be treated in such a manner. God grieves at the way wicked men have treated those in the black community. ]

Over the last couple of weeks the news has been filled with the story of George Floyd’s death and the aftermath now fuelling America as a result. As we look at this situation regarding George and all the posts that have been put on social media platforms sweeping the world, what should we as Christians do or what should our position be on such matters?

As Christians in all we do, it needs to be based off God’s Word and how He wants us to act, for we are ambassadors of God. As sinners we have to be careful that we are not being lead by our own emotions and getting swept up into situations that could lead us away from how God wants us to be.

How does God view racism? When we look in God’s Word we find that God doesn’t separate His love and what He does for others based on colour, ethnicity, gender, and language. In fact it’s the opposite, He loves all the same and He deems everyone worthy and that is why He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross so that no one would perish but all would have everlasting life (John 3:16). He ultimately left the choice with us because we have true freedom of our choices but He has paved the way of salvation for anyone no matter what race they are. God is not racist and there is no place for racism in a Christian’s life. The Bible clearly instructs us to be kind and treat each other with love, even those who are enemies (Matthew 5:44-45). Love is an action word, it’s how you act towards others. You may not always agree with people, those around you or what they are doing but as a Christian you are to still show them love. This is the character of God and how longsuffering He is towards us (2 Peter 3:9). Remember Christ is and always should be our example, not our fellow man.

This situation with what happened to George Floyd and others at the hand of authority is absolutely tragic. Abuse of power is never ok and anyone who participates in such should be held accountable for their actions and pay the due consequences. God does not agree with evil and hate in anyway, shape or form. God too is saddened by what has happened and anyone who is involved has to ultimately answer to Him for what they have done. God tells us that even in these situations where one is persecuted that we must still show love, forgiveness (Matthew 5:44-45; Matthew 18:21-22) and not repay evil for evil (1 Thessalonians 5:15; 1 Peter 3:9). God is very clear about this and lets us know that vengeance is His and His alone (Romans 12:17-19).

We as Christians should be praying for George’s family at this time (Romans 12:15) and acknowledging what his family must be going through. But we should also be praying for Derek the officer who killed him and those associated with the crime. Pray that they recognize the wrong that they have done, seek forgiveness from George’s family and that they may fully repent, turning to God. God died for all and we must learn to not only pray for those who are good or whom we like but also those who do wrong, who hurt us and others. There are accounts in the Bible of hardened evil men who murdered, sacrificed children and did other horrendous crimes whose lives were changed by God. There are even stories around the world too of evil men finding God and turning from their ways. Pray for leaders in power, in the decisions that they make, that their eyes will be opened so that change can take place.

There is nothing wrong with standing up for ones belief, justice, religious freedoms, racism, bullying or what’s right but we are called to do this peacefully and in displaying the character of God. Rioting is not of God and no Christian should take part in such violence (1 John 4:8). As we can see the rioting in America is destroying other peoples livelihoods even their own black people, causing more financial ruin in a time that is already causing so much hurt due to the coronavirus, lawlessness, people brutally beating up other people, stealing and even death. This goes completely against who God is and what we believe as Christians. Violence only fuels more hate, anger and is not an effective way for change, instead installing more fear. Those that have had the greatest impact for change in America were people like Martin Luther King Junior who never used violence. Lessons we should never forget. God doesn’t always call us to sit back and do nothing, that is not what I am saying at all, but He wants us when we stand up for justice to do it in non-violent ways. We need to and can acknowledge the struggles, pain and injustice that others have been receiving. Not brushing it off to the side in a un-christ like manner.

As Christians, prayer is the most important key to unlocking the heavenly powers and for seeing change, we must never forget that. It is through prayer the greatest revivals took place. God tells us that He will fight our battles (Deuteronomy 3:22, 20:4; Psalm 34:17) but we need to let Him instead of going a head and trying to fight them on our own or for Him.

Unfortunately due to living in a fallen world there will be injustices in many forms but often we don’t see as much change as we could because we don’t pray like we should. God also doesn’t promise to take a way all trails in this life but He promises that He will carry us through and be there right beside us.

This situation is a reminder, for us to look at ourselves, reflect and ask God to show us/open our eyes too, to if there is anyway we are wronging others in our thoughts, personal blind spots and actions, to help us change, that we can help to make this world a better place, even if only in our sphere. We need to reflect on how we would feel in any of these given situations and remember that we can’t taint everyone with the same brush. It is only through God we become changed and see change occur.

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